Australia's favourite fisho, Al McGlashan has reeled in his best catch yet, now that he is behind the wheel of his new Pajero Sport. Al loves nothing more than sharing his passion for fishing with others whether it be in his regular column for The Daily Telegraph or on his show Fish'n with Mates. He spends 180 days a year on the water, most of which is done on his own trailer boat which is now towed by his Pajero Sport, kitted up with Genuine Mitsubishi Accessories. We sat down with Al to see what he loves about his new wheels.
Welcome to the Mitsi family! How does it feel to be behind the wheel of your new Pajero Sport?
Years ago I learned to drive in an old Khaki green Pajero so I have always had a soft spot for them, but when I got my hands on the new Pajero Sport a few months ago I was blown away by this slick 4WD. I spend a lot of time driving travelling between shoots so comfort is a big thing because you can't arrive tired. On top of this, I often have my boat in tow and the Pajero Sport pulls it with ease.
You live a pretty adventurous life, what does an average week hold for you?
I have what can only be described as the best job in the world! I get to travel to far-flung places to film and photograph all of my fishing adventures both and above and below the surface. This week I am doing interviews for the new bluefin documentary we are producing, then we are heading offshore chasing tuna or I may head south and chase the bait balling striped marlin, just waiting to see what the weather does. Oh and then on the weekend I am taking the Pajero Sport bush to go and film red deer who are rutting at the moment - tough week!

Where do you plan to take your new wheels?
My Pajero Sport is going to go places that for sure! It's going down, the coast up and lots of bush time, in fact, next week we are towing a boat to Bundaberg and then heading 200 miles to sea. I have a canoe trip into the New England Ranges, hiking in the Victorian High Country, then there's the trip to film bluefin tuna on the Shipwreck Coast in Victoria and that's all this month!
Ummm where's our invite? Sounds amazing! Sounds as though you'll be spending alot of time behind the wheel, what’s your favourite feature of your Pajero Sport?
What I love most about the Pajero Sport is that it is that it is a such a pleasure to drive on the open road, the cruise control is easy to use and the seats are comfy as! Oh and I should add it's a really big small car so I can fit all my camera equipment fishing tackle, camping gear, and dogs easily. And the family sometimes get to tag along too!
If you want to follow Al's adventures with his Pajero Sport you can follow him on Facebook, Instagram or check out his website.
Al drives a Pajero Sport GLS which is fitted with a heap of Mitsubishi Genuine Accessories.