Credit Reporting Management Policy
Mitsubishi Motors Financial Services Credit Reporting Policy
This is the Credit Reporting Policy Mitsubishi Motors Financial Services, a registered business name of Nissan Financial Services Australia Pty Ltd ABN 70 130 046 794 Australian Credit Licence Number 391464. We may change this policy by publishing an updated version on this website. We also have a privacy policy which is available at Mitsubishi Motors Financial Services Privacy Policy.
1. What credit information about you do we collect and hold?
The kinds of credit information that we may collect and hold about you includes information (other than sensitive information) that may be provided to us from a credit reporting body, including:
- identification information such as name, any alias or previous name, date of birth, gender, current or last known address and 2 previous addresses, and driver licence number;
- information about consumer credit provided to you including the name of the credit provider, whether the credit provider is an Australian credit licensee, the type of consumer credit, the day on which the consumer credit is entered into, the terms or conditions of the consumer credit that relate to repayment, the maximum amount of credit available under the consumer credit, and the day in which the consumer credit ends;
- information about whether or not you met an obligation to make a monthly payment of consumer credit, the day on which the payment is due, and the day on which the payment is made;
- a statement that an information request has been made to a credit reporting body in relation to you by us;
- the type of consumer credit or commercial credit, and the amount of credit, sought in an application made by you to a credit provider, when a credit provider has made an information request;
- information about payments that are at least 60 days overdue for consumer credit and more than $150;
- information that an overdue payment has been paid;
- information about arrangements with credit providers;
- information about court judgments (but not for criminal proceedings) against you that relate to credit applied for or given to an individual;
- personal insolvency information;
- publicly available information that relates to your activities and credit worthiness and that is not court proceedings information about you or information about you that is entered or recorded on the National Personal Insolvency Index; and
- the opinion of a credit provider that you have committed a serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit.
If we get credit reporting information on you from a credit reporting body, or we get information from it that has any bearing on your credit worthiness and could be used in deciding your eligibility for consumer credit, we refer to this information as “credit eligibility information”. The types of credit eligibility information that we hold includes the credit information listed above. It may also include information such as credit scores and assessments which we generate from this information.
2. How we collect and hold credit information and credit eligibility information about you?
We collect information from you by telephone, in person or in documentation such as an application for credit. We may also collect information when you make a request or enquiry of us.
We may also collect information about you from other people such as:
- your accountant or employer, as part of your credit assessment;
- your personal referee;
- a credit provider that gave credit to you, to assess your credit application;
- a credit reporting body that gives us a credit report about you;
- an insurer.
We will hold credit information and credit eligibility information in secure electronic and physical files.
We will take reasonable steps to protect and keep secure the credit-related information we hold.
If credit-related information held by us is lost or there is unauthorised access or disclosure, we will investigate. We will also notify the breach to the Information Commissioner and affected individuals if we are required to do this under the Privacy Act.
3. Why do we collect hold, use and disclose credit information and credit eligibility information about you?
We may collect, use, hold and disclose credit information and credit eligibility information when permitted by law:
- to assess an application for credit or a guarantor;
- to use a credit reporting body;
- to manage credit that we provide;
- to assist customers avoid defaulting;
- to collect debts;
- to comply with laws;
- to deal with complaints;
- to assist other credit providers to do these things; and
- for other lawful purposes.
4. Who will we disclose your personal information to?
We may disclose personal information about you:
- to our related companies and to Nissan Foundation Australia Ltd;
- to our agents or contractors. These include businesses we use such as mailing houses, insurers, printers, information technology service providers, lawyers, accountants, debt collection agencies, and other service providers;
- to our dealers, but only if they use it for the same purposes as set out above and only in connection with our dealership franchise;
- anyone else that you agree may get the information from us;
- any disclosure which is required or authorised by law, including to AUSTRAC in respect of any suspicious or threshold transactions or activities; and
- if you have applied for credit from us:
- to a credit reporting body, to get a credit report about you and/or to allow the credit reporting body to maintain a credit information file containing information about you;
- to a debt collection agency;
- to identity verification vendors including credit reporting bodies who use your government identifiers (for example your driver’s licence number or passport number) to verify your identity for us;
- your employer or former employer (for example, to conduct a reference check for finance applications);
- with your consent, to other credit providers for the purpose of assessing your application for credit; or
- with your consent, to guarantors or proposed guarantors if a credit arrangement is or will be guaranteed.
Your personal information may be given to our parent company in Japan, our related companies and our service providers that are located or hold data elsewhere in the world, including New Zealand, United Kingdom, Mexico, Thailand and United States of America. If it is disclosed to an overseas recipient, we will only do this if we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipient will engage with the personal information in a way that is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles and our instructions or where we reasonably believe they are subject to laws that protect your personal information in the same or substantially the same way as the Australian Privacy Principles
We will take reasonable steps to protect and keep secure the personal information we hold.
If personal information held by us is lost or there is unauthorised access or disclosure, we will investigate. We will also notify the breach to the Information Commissioner and affected individuals if we are required to do this under the Privacy Act.
5. Disclosing credit information to a credit reporting body
We may disclose credit information about you to a credit reporting body.
If you apply to us for consumer credit, we will conduct a credit check without obtaining your explicit consent. This involves requesting information from a credit reporting body, which will record the enquiry. We may use any information in a report obtained from a CRB to establish your creditworthiness – including calculating your credit score – and may disclose this to other credit providers. Please note that such enquiries can affect your credit score based on factors such as the number and timing of recent enquiries.
The credit reporting bodies that we are likely to disclose your credit information to are:
- Equifax – – 1300 762 207
- Experian – – 03 8622 1600
- Illion – – 13 23 33
If we disclose your credit information to a credit reporting body:
- the credit reporting body may include the information in reports provided to credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness; and
- if you do not meet your payment obligations in relation to consumer credit or commit a serious credit infringement, we may disclose this to the credit reporting body.
Each credit reporting body has a policy about the management of credit-related personal information. You can get a copy by contacting the credit reporting body using its contact details above.
6. What are your rights under the Privacy Act?
- Your rights under the Privacy Act in relation to credit-related information include:
- You can get the credit reporting body's policy about the management of credit-related personal information by contacting it. See contact details above.
- You can access credit-related information that we hold about you from us, if you want to request us to correct the information, or make a complaint.
- You can request a credit reporting body not to use credit reporting information about you for pre-screening of direct marketing by a credit provider.
- You can request the credit reporting body not to use or disclose credit reporting information about you if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud.
7. Do we send your credit-related information overseas?
Your credit information or credit eligibility information may be given to our parent company in Japan. If it is disclosed to an overseas recipient, we will only do this if we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipient will engage with the credit information in a way that is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles or reasonably believe they are subject to laws that protect your personal information in the same or substantially the same way as the Australian Privacy Principles.
We will also take adequate measures to ensure that the information is handled by the overseas recipient in accordance with the Privacy Act and our instructions.
8. How can you access credit eligibility information?
You may ask for access to credit eligibility information we hold about you by contacting the Privacy Officer at the address below. Where we hold information that you can access, we will try to give you choices about how you can access (e.g., emailing or mailing it to you). We may charge a fee to cover the cost of getting your information.
If you think credit eligibility information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, you can ask us to amend it. We will amend the information if we agree with you, or make a record of your comment.
9. Do you have a complaint?
You can make a complaint, including Privacy related enquiries or complaints to our Disputes Resolution Department at:
Mitsubishi Motor Financial Services
Locked Bag 7000
Phone: 1300 613 182 (option 2)
We will respond and tell you we agree with your complaint. If we do not agree, we will give reasons. If we do agree, we will tell you what action we will take.
If you are still not happy, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
- Phone: 1300 363 992 (local call cost, but calls from mobile and pay phones may incur higher charges). If calling from overseas (including Norfolk Island): +61 2 9284 9749
- TTY: 1800 620 241 (this number is dedicated to the hearing impaired only, no voice calls.)
- TIS: Translating and Interpreting Service: 131 450 (If you don’t speak English or English is your second language and you need assistance and ask for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner).
- Post: GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601
- Fax: +61 2 9284 9666
- Email:
If your complaint relates to your finance with us, you can also make a complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority at or by calling 1800 931 678.
10. How can you get copies of this policy?
You can ask us to provide you with a copy of this policy, including a hard copy, by contacting us using the contact details above.