If you’ve been on a road trip with kids, you’ll know that most of the time you’re barely out of the driveway before they’re looking for something to do.
Let’s face it; sitting still for hours at a time is not something most kids find easy. However, the right entertainment can help the hours fly by without any major boredom-related mishaps.
Here are our top tips for entertaining children on a road trip so you can focus on enjoying the road.

1. Keep the snacks and water handy
You can have scores of ideas for entertaining children on a road trip, but if the kids are hungry they’re all likely to fall flat. Keep snacks handy between pit stops to prevent rumbling stomachs and complaints from the back seat. Healthy snacks like fruit, vegetables and trail mix are usually good choices for a road trip with kids – and will help you avoid the sugar rush of candy or chocolate. If you have more time on your hands, you can even turn snacking into an activity. Your kids may enjoy stringing together a necklace from different coloured cereal, or making their own skewers from different fruits.
2. Make the most of your car’s entertainment system
When you’re driving, your car’s sound system is at your disposal, and this can lead to a lot of fun activities. Crank the music up and have a sing-a-long of family favourites, giving each member of the family a moment to shine. You can also tune in to a child-friendly audio book or podcast – perhaps the latest in a series the kids enjoy. Lastly, why not play a game of audio trivia? Keep score of the points and let the winner choose the next playlist.
If you’re driving a recent Mitsubishi model, you will be able to connect your smart-phone to your car using Smartphone Link Display Audio technology. This will let you access your phone’s compatible apps and make it easy to pick out music and podcasts for your whole family to enjoy. Many commands are voice operated, so your kids may work out how to find their favourite songs from the back.
3. Create a travel pack of child-friendly delights
Surprise your kids on the road with a travel pack of exciting activities. Not only will the contents provide hours of fun, the kids will also enjoy unravelling everything the pack has to offer. Pencils, stickers and sketch books will let your children get creative and record their road trip experience as they go. Don’t forget clipboards or trays so they have something solid to lean on in the car. You can also include wooden puzzles, brain teasers, and even a small travel game if they have a worthy adversary in the back.

4. Make the car comfy
Your kids will love playing with all the entertainment you’ve prepared, but even they need some downtime. Include plenty of pillows and blankets so they can snuggle up while they’re sitting safely. If you’re driving a Mitsubishi SUV, the comfortable interior should help everyone get cosy. If the kids do fall asleep, you can take the time to relax.
5. Plan frequent stops
No matter how good you are entertaining children on a road trip, kids can only sit still for so long. Plan frequent breaks at pit stops where they can stretch their legs, and use up their energy before they get back in the car. This works even better if you can find stops that give the kids something to learn or enjoy - they can then draw or write about their experiences as you hit the road ahead.